Re: Uncle! Yosemite it is, then.

@Brad: Indeed. Different strokes, etc. Whatever works for you is right. Be objective.

@camlorn: happily I don't actually write much Python, and Xcode already has auto-tabstops. I don't use Xcode much either, as I said, but when I do need to (because the dev has provided a project) I'm always glad to be able to tweak it all graphically, whereas AFAICT things have got worse with VS, which is really terrible. And even if I did want to get really nice indentation feedback, for some reason, and braille and indent were not enough, well there's always emacsspeak, which does pretty much the best job I've seen at this (though not my preference, by any means). As for usability in Xcode, nah, when you know you're VO, it's really not a problem--even the designer. All you need help with now is icons and probably your initial layout as well. There are various guides out there now for the step-by-step on setting up all the jump targets if you need to use the single-view layout, which I don't.

Responsiveness: update to 10.10.2. This was bad, and fixed.

Terminal: indeed, this would certainly have constituted a showstopper with unacceptable workarounds, if Apple had not--at the last possible moment--fixed it.  I'll be trying dumbfrotz with it soon, just to see; if it works, and I think it will, then that's sorted, as of Yosemite.

As for browsing: meh, second nature now. And as of Yosemite, you get working cursor navigation for copy-paste jobs. Perhaps you should give it another shot, if you find the time. It's funny because I find dynamic content handling better in VoiceOver, at least compared to JAWS; it's always seemed very well integrated, right down to the dialog and menu roles being given their correct behaviours. I can't see anything inadequate about the ARIA support either; NVDA does things very well in Firefox, IIUC, and I didn't notice anything. By contrast, I'm mi ssing pause and resume with the control key, while gaining the slight responsiveness one gets from formant synthesis, and better behaviour when switching tasks (maintains your place). One of these days I'll report those to Apple, but I actually still think the JAWS+IE wins overall anyway; Eloquence is still a bit less laggy, which makes EG the various live chat systems feel very slick.

Skype and Twitter: only the web UI counts IMO; accessible clients are seemingly either not robust or feature-incomplete. Yes, yes, you'll make do without, but that's a good part of the argument; we shouldn't be doing that on platforms where accessibility is actually working. Skype incoming notifications are impossible to reproduce without one of these fixes, AFAICT; they come naturally on OS X, courtesy of Notification Centre.

And all that beside: my issue with OS X is really _NOT_ all that much about accessibility, it is feature completeness. Apple could make all my pr oblems, every single one of them, go away by next Thursday if they got their engineers working on useful software, and not shiny gimmicks. What is more, everybody would benefit. Example: I need Thunderbird not because it's a better email client--it isn't--but because it has the option to show the plain text of an email message.  This is the heart and soul of what I think Windows apologists are all defending; they are basically saying that their platform is better because when you're swimming with the other sharks, you catch more fish. I agree with that completely; harsh but true. But as a consequence you get a platform which is just, I don't know, awful. Mediocre. You get the registry, system services, shared DLLs, UAC, action centre, numerous system notifications which serve only to highlight the essential uselessness of the platform, a horrible app launcher, process spam, ribbons, inflexible UIs that try to mimic OS X, badly, extended permissions that serv e no useful purpose, fifty zillion different group policy parameters many of which belong in the UI and the others of which are pointless, stupid search indexing behaviour, driver issues, bundled software, insane networking behaviour, inadequate server software or development tools for languages other than Microsoft's (i.e. every industry standard that matters), the inability to install it yourself (there's another thread about that), in short everything designed to madden the systems admin trying to get stuff done. Maybe you haven't got a problem with that, or perhaps you just don't do all that much digging for whatever reason, I don't know. It pains me to think that I used to put up with this nonsense at all, although I realise much of this is Vista and forward. OS X is Unix, and that's that. Once you know Unix, you get all the power Unix offers--nah, cygwin really is a bit of a toy, albeit a very fun one, just try running nginx on that--and still get to run a state-of-the-art web browser and a text editor with built-in systemwide spell-check and a dictionary.  For me, accessibility is simply not the problem; it's the whole bloody operating system.  That, as a consequence of being the majority platform, accessibility happens to be available for more apps is a definite bonus for Windows, but until the Apple bugfest--and only until then--has it been clearly obvious which platform to go for, because I choose technical robustness over (IMHO mostly self-fulfilling) accessibility claims. And yes I regard virtualisation of Linux as possible solution to some of these problems, though not without the introduction of many others, as you will no doubt have discovered. But now that Apple have stopped caring about software quality, so that mediocrity is no longer an indefensible position and I might as well get the other advantages of being on Windows as primary OS, I find myself trying really hard to like Windows, but as yet have not won the battle over myself.

Perhaps by next Thursday. smile

Edit: I'm going to try Windows 8.1 and Classic Shell as a combination next.

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