Re: to blind new agers

@Afrim, I'm afraid this idea that the shoa (holocaust), did not happen, and that six million jews disappeared had some sort of weerd conspiracy I find not just implausable but rather offensive, given the amount of shear suffering involved.

On a historical level the amount of evidence is over whelming (not the least being the fact that six million people died), also, after myself meeting some of those few people who survived the camps and hearing their stories there is just physically no way you can fake that sort of reaction.

I will agree that the shear scale, the very factory efficiency  of the thing does rather boggle belief, but so does the idea of dropping an atomic bomb on a Japanese city,  or flying jet planes into sky scrapers, sometimes history is so monstrous it beggers belief but that is why we call it history and why studdying it is important. And after all, racial perges are not new, indeed recently the deaths of several hundred thousand Arm enian muslims at the hands of the Russians in the first world war have been classified as a holocaust for similar reasons.

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