Re: a few complaints about the blind comunity


I know what you mean about blind and vision impaired oriented organizations. I got my rehabilitation training at The Lighthouse for the Blind, turns out the training they gave me was so minimal that it might as well be non-existent. My mobility training was one hour a week for seven weeks. I got my white cane training while still had enough vision that I didn't need the cane. So during the training I use my eyes more than I used my cane, and they approved, never even attempting to force me to rely on the cane. So when my vision deteriorated to the point that I really had to rely on the cane, I was basically having to train myself to use it. I realized I needed help so I decided to retake the mobility training. When I tried to sign up to retake the mobility training, they refused, saying I'd already taken it and couldn't take it again.

And then there's the issue about screen readers. The only screen reader they'd recommend was JAWS, when I heard the $900 price, I asked if they knew of any less expensive alternatives, they told me not really, there are other screen readers, but they cost about the same as JAWS, but aren't as good as JAWS. It turns out they knew of NVDA, but for whatever reason, refused to say anything about it. The really irritating thing about this is that many blind or visually impaired people simply can't afford to plunk around a thousand dollars down on a piece of software and The Lighthouse would rather leave them in the dark than tell them about NVDA. And these people are supposed to be helping us?

I have since discontinued any association with The Lighthouse. They have prooven to me that they are not my friends.

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