Re: a few complaints about the blind comunity

Hi all.
[[wow]], just [[wow]] this is a heavvy thing.
Firstly, While I don't think everything should be free or low cost because of my dissability I do think that if I am  entitled to something under law I should get exactly what I am entitled to because well if it says its my right to get it then I should get it.
That asside, its not all smooth sailing.
For those that say you should get everything for free because you are a poor and helpless blindy then you havn't had to fight for your rights yet.
Thats right I said fight!
Here in new zealand there were several small battles fought by blind consumer organisations.
One of them concerned the serving of the blind on a jurey the other was the right for us to get a job and not if we earned over a certain amount we would automatically loose our benifit.
Obviously if you were getting a absolutely silly lot of cash that wouldn't apply.
I am sure there are more battles in my country of new zealand.
There have been fights like the fact that there are those that defraud the system by getting say a computer for a course then dropping out or just sit on their ass doing nothing.
So the government decideds we should all even if disabled have jobs.
This battle isn't over, but at least for now the blind don't have to work or rather they need to be looking for work but as long as its in the system that we are looking for work and are willing it won't matter right now if we find work or not.
It could have been that we would have to do work even if all the jobs were availible was in some sort of retarded place putting bottle tops on bottles then we would be blind and retarded to.
This seems to have not happened but as I understand this this battle is not over.
You think that because you are entitled to it you should get it and everything should be free.
Yes I agree in a perfect world that because I am blind if its entitled for me to get something it is my right.
Those rights are not for granted and not in stone.
Sadly I have friends that are autistic.
Even if you get a job  the disabled and in particular the part timers are the first to go when the financial shit hits the fan.
Not everyone knows how to act with the disabled sadly.
As far as freedom scientiffic and such a lot of these access tech companies have grown up previding their services for those that can pay, the disabled orgs, the governments, etc.
The prices are for other companies not for consumers.
Saying that with the way things are going while this is sadly not in range with such things as braille hardware and such moves are being made everywhere to reduc prices.
The dolphin stuff is relitively cheap and there are extra things with various access tech.
The fact we can use a lot more mainstream devices etc.
I am not sure about freedomscientiffic.
I know windoweyes and a i are now doing the free basic package with office.
While not everywhere nvda has been accepted as a good consumer program and this and opensource and such means that companies and all that will have to change.
The fact that being blind means you are poor, helpless and stupid is dieing or at least on the way out.
If this was back in the 1980s and earlier then it would be a different story but like the dodo and with things like the net, while relitively the real world thing for the blind as far as  things have been has expanded to its limit  the fact we have all this tech means while in the real world the blind are still the way they will always bee much of it has been replaced by this and that device.
A lot of it mainstream.
Examples are not just the phone, a laptop etc.
If you complain about your screenreader being expensive think how much it was before.
Prices will drop its just going to take longer.
I can't answer all the que stions or points but I get it with the frustration.
For example I know while your average blindy braille device can run blindy apps and maybe the old z code game and do all functions the blind business person can do, I know with windows and a laptop I can run almost any app I want unless its graphiced up to buggery and thats mainly some sighted games.
A lot of that is changing.
While yes there are the big companies, you can for the most part move away from them depending what you are doing.
If not for work at least for home.
And to be honest if you can't find something or something doesn't work etc and you have no idea what to do there is probably an app for it.
I mean here I am calling everything an app now and I would never dream of that ages ago.
And just so people don't think I am barking up the wrong tree I'd like to share a small story.
I started in 1990 just as everyone was moving to mainstream and no one knew what w as what.
Before that we had blind institutions we still do but its a lot better and its all changed.
Back then the disabled stayed in a place with all other disabled.
Later intigration started but in the early years it wasn't always that good everyone was testing the water.
Stuff we take for granted just wasn't there.
I had no idea what I'd do as such.
A computer for the blind was the last thing on my mind.
From old books I read etc the blind went to homes for the disabled and useless because there wasn't much going for disabled at that stage if they were lucky.
And even when I got a computer Since you didn't get much outside your blindy app I never thought much about it.
Even when we went windows and this was win95 I didn't think it would be accessable at all.
It was only with the net that I found out there was more than just me and it went on from there.
I realise there are those that started in t his century and think they got it all.
You may be able to afford it for a little while but its not perminant.
And while youu may be entitled to your rights thats only true if your echonomy is stable.
Think of europe.
My mum comes from indonesia.
Its corrupt as anything, you get no benifits.
If you are disabled, jump on the retarded waggon because you may as well be.
I don't know what its like now but if you are disabled there is nothing for you, think of places like tonga and some of the islands where they don't have what you have here and count yourself lucky you even have the right to live!
Thats right there were still people when I first started that said disabled should be aborted as a matter of course.
I think that if you think you are entitled to everything you should go and look at the history of your disability you will find that in a lot of cases you or someone like you had to fight for the rights to be entitled to thos e rights.
There is no such thing as  a free lunch.
The same goes for the rights you enjoy.
Yes Because I am blind I agree I should get everything I am entitled because I am after all blind.
Now weather I will be able to hold onto it is another thing and I have no idea.
Its stable for now but that could change.
I could go into things like copywrite, audio description and books being the latest things we had to fight for.
Just remember, that everything we are entitled to had to be  fought over either to get or to hang on to and we may not keep it all or it changes because of various things.
The latest is because of fraud, various rules on how one travels are now going on.
Ofcause I am angry at this, we should be allowed to do what we want without the laws and get everything we need but its those bad guys I am angry at rather than the system and there will always be those so more rules.
Nothing is the same and I should know ch ange is something I don't readily take

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