Re: a few complaints about the blind comunity

I think in fareness since I know someone in the industry they have it just about right.
In my day schools would get funded for disabled but there were no controls on what the cash was supposed for leading to misuse of funds.
There are laws on that now.
There were also issues with assistance special teachers aids etc that when I did school especially high school and earlier that were lacking a fact now fixed.
Even my living skills programs I attended was not up to snuff and while it was slow to get started aparently this stuff is fixed.
In defence of the education system at least in new zealand, the blind as well as others had their own special schools and thats where you stayed.
Ofcause with no exposure to the real world you were prity much poor and helpless but then so was the world because it didn't want to deal with us at all.
Sure I could say some stuff could have been done better.
But the past is the past even though hal f of it was total crap we have to start from somewhere.
Ofcause if this didn't improve from my source then I'd be saying something else.
All the blind educational institutes, schools resources and other centers are now one company which funds it self and has government connections of a sort.
Something like a union for students in a university but nation wide.
Now if something is not right we actually have a voice.
Ofcause since we are now a company and not state funded as such things are different being a corperation and all at least with education.
And while I had my fair share of issues at school university for me was good.
A central resource centre previded me with full access, and monitering, support if and when I needed it.
And meetings twice a summester.
The only difference was while I didn't always have people holding my hands I was being monitered such that I could report a problem and be assured of a resolution or be told of an issue.
Compaired to school it was like a computer monitering app that looked at all the things I did and had live techs look at it and fix things on the fly.
I do think the marking was a bit better.
I was kept informed of communications where needed.
Once they got it wrong with a few things.
But they told me about it and tried to fix it.
also was the fact that once due to access issuues with part of a course they failed my course because I was disadvantaged, they  rewrote the course book so it was more user friendly.
Then there was the transcribing of stuff a few days before the course I was going to start started due to access issues.
In school when there was a problem and the teacher didn't know what to do not much happened because noone knew.
In uuni the same thing happened but all problems went to the resource centre and they slotted assistance to fix the issue so it wasn't like you were left in the dust.< br />Sadly thats been the only time things have worked in my favour.
I could go on a rant about government agencies, supposed employment agencies which were state funded etc.
And other such things to do with other races.
One thing I did notice was that these people at least those in the front are not payed much and are exposed to so much work they literly burn out.
When they leave there is a 50% chance or less your data will transfer.
If it does things will continue.
if not it starts all over again.
I put up with it and the local organisation which through unknown reasons decided to move all its creative staff from where they seemed to be needed and do things by the book.
The issue with this is if you are not creative you may as well tell the blind that because you are blind and helpless there is nothing for you.
The book is not the best, at least right now it isn't.
They expect you to find something and run with it.
Forget ting qualifications are visual a lot of them and really if I wanted to work in mainstream I couldn't exactly do it for my type of work I want to do.
I have little in the way of real experience and qualifications I am not sure what that really means anymore.
A few certifficates thats about it.
In this world people want people with loads of degrees and even then you don't have it safe.
Its pritty certain that a poor blind helpless dood that gets his experience online is not real world office material.
Finally after 6 or so years of this I was getting quite angry.
Things were in a circular motion.
And I was about ready to burn.
I had 2 choices.
1,  just say I quit.
2.  commit suiside.
So I said enough was enough and I quit.
Sadly while I do realise people will try to do their jobs I am warey of trusting any agency that says they will find me a job because of what I experienced.
Right now I am at home s o it doesn't matter.
I guess later on I will go to the whatever disabled place the helpless retarded people go to to work unless something changes.
There may be some things but I need to get the courage to face up to things.
I think I may have one more try at the job finding thing with agencies maybe.
One more and then I guess I go to poor and helpless retardedville I am past caring where this is concerned.
Maybe I was unlucky with my experience there is always that I guess.
My plan ish is to get some job or enough jobs online that I can skip the real world entirely that may or may not happen.
There is one more agency I may try which is local and this is attached to a local university.
But I need to prepair for it.
I have about 20 or so years   more like 17 till I get to the age of 50.
At which point no one wants old people these days.
So I guess I will try till then.
Then it will be the helpless vs the world with the blind guy losing fully.
I keep hoping that I will be ok I have almost 2 decades before that becomes a problem.
Though by then I probably won't have to worry much.
I suspect out of all this that the biggest point with any of this stuff for us as it is to most people is getting started but ofcause being disabled its much harder to get going.
Once going as long as you don't stop you in theory should be ok maybe.
On the subject of this topic its not all doom and gloom.
Things have got better and while its not all good its at least 50% better than it was 20-30 years back.
Ofcause if disability can be removed probably with more tech at a good price this will probably die.
Though I don't know being born blind what it would be like to get my sight back since I never had it.
I'd be a baby again how nice except not.
I can't write, I can type.
I have never seen a screen or know what I am looking at even i f I could see.
In that respect I'd prefur to stay blind even if that means in the end I am helpless.
If I could see today I'd prity much be dumb and retarded havn't actually seen.
Though who knows with so much tech you don't need to see so you be the judge on that one.
Its good we have topics like this to blow the issues that are not said much out into the open.
Sure you can blow them at the real world but vary ffew will understand in fact you can be in more trouble with the real world especially if they don't understand.
I will for example not end up in a mental house for spouting my frustrations on here unless I am a total jackass I guess.
In some case this vertual world is less forgiving but in others it isn't.

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