Re: Jim Kitchen passed away

Hello everyone,
I just read the news and it was just shocking me! Sure, we have developers who abandon their games due to a couple of understandable facts and reasons I don't want to include here, but it is really sad to hear that a developer passes away. sad And I am happy that everybody who posted here will support Jim's family and his productions.
Jim's games were one of the first English games I played. I started with the self-voicing games, such as Mach1, Golf and Pong in 2005, because they contained a pretty simple English, not too hard to understand, since my English at this time was not the best.
In 2007, I started playing his SAPI5 games and I have been in touch with him via E-Mail in 2010, asking whether it is possible to translate his games into other languages, such as German. He didn't accept my proposal, because it would have been way too comp licated doing that, due to the fact that he would have to completely change the source code and the text sapi would have had to speak.
Anyway, his games really helped me learning English, since I started learning English by playing audiogames. Many games of different developers were the actual main reason for me, learning English in first place, so I could play games which contain more experienced English, with longer texts, cutsceens, etc.
This does work, because if you know what the game is about, you will easily understand words, such as "to collide", if you, for instance, have a "learn game sounds" option in the menu which explains the sounds played. That might have been no good example, but I think you got my point anyway.
Now, as you can see, my English is very experienced, I speak very fluent and I got myself an accent which suits me the best, in order to get rid of that horrible German accent of mine! smile Now, I have a lot of friends scattered all over the place after attending the ICC-Camp two times with success, I am able to communicate with people who can't speak my language, just because I spent too much time at the computer playing audiogames!
Thanks very much to you, Jim, for giving me that kind of kickstart for understanding and getting more experienced in English! I will definitely keep you in my mind! big_smile

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