Re: Edge of Winter - New Castle Adventure Audio Game

Thanks Sneak and Assault freak for putting your opinions in a reasonable fashion. The forum, and indeed myself is not against anyone airing there views, so long as it can be done without insult.

Personally (moderation hat definitely off for this one), I will say I can see the danger in giving specific release dates, although preorders can be helpful for a game's development and funding, sinse obviously if a developer needs to purchice sounds, hier actors, publicize their game  etc, then it will be easier to do so with some money from preorders.
I would myself suggest that the status of the game to be released be simply "some time in the near future" rather than anyone holding Jyro to a specific date or month. One thing which people do seem to be forgetting is while Airic and the updates to Airic were delayed, they did indeed materialize in the end, as did Kirtwolf (which I still hope to play again myself).

I can also confirm myself that work is being done for steampunk neverland sinse Jyro is sending me some more lines to voice act next week. There is the first prologue I did along with several tralers and teasers for the game (featuring a very cool captain hook), I don't have the links at the second but I think they're in the steampunk neverland topic.

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