Aylwin Wrote: 
> do you disagree that an external DAC (like the one's I've mentioned
> above) is a must for the SB2 to be in a *hi-end* audiophile system? 
> Okay, if "must" is a bit strong, how about we say that an external DAC
> provides a considerable noticeable improvement?
Yes, a dedicated, external DAC -can- be superior to the SB2's internal
DAC.  However, this isn't a given: I've already observed that the Scott
Nixon Chibi Saru is inferior to the lone SB2, until you add a good power
supply.  Then it does surpass it by a bit, but not a lot.  IMO, the SB2
is *that* good!

I started down this road before the SB2 was released.  My original,
tentative plan was to use the SB1 with the Scott Nixon DAC in my main
system, and then to decide what to do in my secondary system.  Then the
SB2 was released and I received the Scott Nixon DAC, and I realised it
wasn't significantly better than the SB2 (although it certainly
surpassed the SB1).  So I went out and bought a Benchmark DAC1, which
is really, really good.

I want the extra buffer of the SB2 (and a few of the other features) in
my listening room, working with the Benchmark DAC1.  That leaves the SB1
and Scott Nixon DAC in my office.  If, however, I had a spare SB2, I
would happily use it without an external DAC in my office.  IOW, my
high expectations are nominally satisfied with the internal DAC of the
SB2 (although I certainly appreciate the marginally superior
performance that I get from the Scott Nixon DAC).

I should interject something here.  You claim to be able to hear
differences between transports, while I can’t honestly admit that I can
do the same.  Perhaps they seem different to me, and perhaps I just want
them to.  (I certainly hear the difference between DACs!)  If you really
-can- discern the differences between transports, then perhaps your ears
are more golden than mine, and the money that I’ve spent on my
fancy-dancy “audiophile systems” is all for naught, when I could be
completely happy with a P.O.S. Bose system. <sigh>

I think we understand each other quite well at this point, and we’re
merely arguing the concepts of -“want”- vs. -“need”-, and -“optional”-
vs. -“a must”-.

-=> Mike Hanson <=-
-The Sarcastic Bastard-

Mike Hanson
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