What would people pay for a true 'audiophile' version of the

Traditionally 'audiophile' products are expensive, for which there are
several reasons, some reasonable, some simply marketing based. Some of
it is related to perception (i.e. it can't be any good unless it's
pricey - the Stereophile effect, if you will) but at least as much, in
a truly well-engineered product, is related to the very significant
design effort needed to produce something that sounds great and keeps
you from your bed, or the TV, in pursuit of music. 

Couple that to the ever-shrinking market for two-channel only audio
systems and the development costs take on a whole new meaning; the
simple commercial reality is that they have to be spread across the
potential number of customers for that product. For a Linn CD12 that
number runs to just thousands, worldwide, I suspect, hence the huge
price tag.

The SB2 as it is is a wonderfully elegant, modestly sized, reasonably
easy to use, immensely practical device, that gives great access to a
wide range of media, which as a user I love.

I don't personally feel it can currently feed my main system though as
a main source having tried it. I would actually love that it did it
all, but interestingly there's not much talk about the *sound* above!

The point is that for me, as a consumer (rather than an engineer) what
goes on inside the box should be irrelevant, it's what comes out that
matters. What comes out is very much related to what goes on
internally, but I'm curious as to whether the comments above are just
becuase the SB2 is *perceived* as not being audiophile (because it
doesn't tick the right boxes and looks like a radio alarm clock) or
whether people identify, as I do personally, that there's something
missing from the results it produces?

Lots of meaningless (in my view) talk about components, interfaces,
design implementation, features (absent or not) but nothing about the
most important thing of all - the music!

Surely the purpose of an audiophile version would be to sound as good,
or better, than whatever your own personal quality reference is?

If, for example, you are comparing to a Linn CD12 at 12000GBP, it's
going to be hard to expect that level of performance for significantly
less than that.

I think the current SB2 is a marvellous piece of superb engineering,
but am curious as to how much people are seriously prepared to pay for
a product that competes with some of the other audiophile standards out

Curiously, my own absolute standard, in terms of musical enjoyment, is
still the vinyl record, courtesy of a Linn LP12 turntable. No CD
player, or any source (with the possible exception of a good FM tuner
and broadcast) I've yet heard comes close to it!


Andrew L. Weekes
audiophiles mailing list

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