Unless data is being lost or corrupted when trasmitted wirelessly, then
the data is the same in the buffers, no matter how it got there.

Also unless the wireless side is powered down in wired mode, the power
supplies will have the same amount of work to do and assuming that the
wireless circuitry does not interfere with the digital output, if it's
all kept in the digital domain, then I don't see how ther should be a
difference at all. I could perceive of a difference between wired and
wireless models though if the PSUs were the same.

If you are using the analogue outputs, then I guess in wired mode there
could be a diferent in current being drawn from the PSU, but again, I
still don't think there should be a difference.

I have compared the SB2 plus Musical Fidelity X-DAC3 in wireless mode
with my Copland CD player and there is a difference, but that's not to
say that the SB2 isn't a great transport for digital music. I honestly
don't use the CD player anymore, the SB2 is more than good enough for
my ears. 

It's a shame really, by the time you have enough disposable income to
afford some really decent stereo gear, your ears are well past their
best...plus having been to one too many Motorhead concerts. I wouldn't
trust myself comparing sources - my ears aren't trained to do it. I can
compare guitar pickups and tone though, since you are focussing on one
instrument and the subtleties of the sound and my ears have become
attuned to those differences.


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