Music Machine said the following on 10/09/2005 17:30:
"Preamp Volume Control" not working in my setup.

Have updated to nightly SlimServer_v2005-09-09.exe and installed
firmware update.

SlimServer Version: 6.2b1 - 4218 - Windows 2000 - EN - cp1252
Player Firmware Version: 20

W2K, wired only SB2

Trying a few setting from 0 to 60 in "Preamp Volume Control" made no
difference. I'm using SB2 analog outs.

I just got SB2 about a week ago and there is no going back to disk
players. Would like to connect directly to my power amp so any
suggestions that might help me use this feature are greatly

Preamp Volume is in firmware > 20, i.e. from v21.

I got it sooner than the 10/09 nightly because I track svn.


If a man speaks in a forest,
and his wife's not there,
is he still wrong?

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