cliveb Wrote: 
> Now you've really spoiled my day. The prospect of the Apple steamroller
> squashing the likes of Slim Devices (like they did to Rio) is just too
> depressing to contemplate.

I actually edited this bit out of my response as I thought it might be
the wrong place to put it, but yes, Apple have a whole iPod division
and they are working on a SB-type device, amongst other things, to
marry up with iTunes. It really does expose the weak spot in the the
product, SlimServer. It will also presumably stream video and podcasts.
The XBox360 has WiFi and can stream from a PC, so there are more of
these well-integrated devices coming along into people's living rooms,
and it's people who really aren't audiophile's.

My personal view is that Slim need to go more audiophile with a higher
end device, but I can also see why they would want a slice of the mass
market. Unfortunately the iPod brand name will wipe out any company
with less than millions to spend on marketing like they did with Rio.

Would I change sides? If the "iBox" sounds as good as SB and have a
digital output, it'll be a tough decision. I find SlimServer intensly
frustrating. I am a coder, if a slightly out-of-practice one, so why
don't I fix it? Well I think it has become the software equivalent of
"Buckaroo". It has outgrown it's original foundations and each feature
we add makes it teeter more and more. I really think it needs to be
re-engineered in Java, but that's a major re-think of the SB strategy
and it isn't my company.

(quick edit - A message I posted a few days ago)

Rumours are that they have a Roku-like boombox and other devices ready
to be revealed in January.

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