I posted this over on the Audiocircles forum yesterday but thought it
might also be of interest to this group.  I hope its not violating any
rules to repeat it here.

Over the holidays my brother-in-law and I bought several squeezebox 3s
and went about modifying them in a some what systematic fashion. We
would make changes to a unit and when that sounded better than the
stock unit then that become the reference and we evaluated future
changes against the best sounding one. The version that we settled on
as sounding best was as follows:

1)Power supply upgrade - just replace the stock wall wart with a
surplus regulated 5v supply. The one we used was surplus from some SGI
equipment and was rated at 1A. Opening it up showed it to have a hefty
transformer and a nicely regulated output.

2)Digital output upgrade. We replaced the stock output RCA with a 75
ohm BNC connector. The one we used was made by Amp and sourced from
Digikey - their part number A24598-ND.
We also changed the wiring to the output jack. If you trace the wiring,
you see that there are 2 inductors in the output path, L8 and L9. We
removed these and took the digital output directly from the resistor
voltage divider further upstream. I don't have the unit in front of me
but I believe the resistor numbers are R55 and R56 - 107 ohms and
We also added a transformer output using Scientific Conversions
SC916-01 1:1 shielded digital transformers.

3)DAC upgrade - We changed the stock PCM1748 to a PCM1748KE and found
the higher grade DAC chip to be a significant improvement.

4)Analog ouput - We removed the output op amp entirely and removed
associated output caps from this op amp and from the PCM1748. The
signal was taken directly from the PCM1748KE chip. Blackgate 4.7uf N
50v capacitors were used for the output. These were mounted directly at
the RCA output jacks and then wires were run back to the DAC output. It
was important to remove the unused op amp. I'm not sure if the reduced
power draw of the op amp helped the DAC power or if the op amp was
picking up noise and amplifying it but things sounded cleaner with the
op amp gone.

Another change we evaluated but did not like was replacing the power
supply caps on the DAC chip with Black Gate 47uf 16v Std caps. We found
the sound degraded compared to the stock surface mount caps and switched
them back in.

When we started we found the best sound came from the Toslink output
going to a Monarchy DIP dejitter box to a highly tweaked ART DIO.
Preamp was a Manley tube preamp and the power amps were either homebrew
211 amps, homebrew UCD400 amps, or Nuforce Ref 8s.
The SPDIF out was the next best sound and the analog output was a
distant 3rd.
At the finish the best sound came from the analog outputs with the
SPDIF a small but noticeable distance behind followed by the TOSLINK
even further back.


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