The thread has certainly mutated... :-)

My love has always been for the music, first and foremost. A huge and
constantly growing CD collection that irritates my wife, as well as
having been a hobbyist (and mediocre :-) percussion player, vocalist
and songwriter attests to. I haven't been in a hifi shop in ages, I am
not subscribed to any gear magazines. I will however go try to find new
music once a week at least!

Given the fact I love to play percussion, I do think -and have been
told- I have a good ear for it, and know what to listen to. Thus my
conviction that a vast majority of recordings do not merit investment
in the type of gear even I own. You'll just hear a mediocre recording
with higher resolution, but it'll remain mediocre. I thikn the average
hifi system is superior to the average recording the music industry

Oh, but those jewels, when great music and great sound engineering
converge - they make it all worthwhile. Admittedly, they may represent
about 5% (and I am being generous) of my collection. 

As to cables, and several other things (green markers, esoteric
vibration isolation etc)... I think it's mainly about the due diligence
of making sure the setup is put together with attention to detail. A
cheap cable is more likely to provide a mediocre connection, so I have
invested in good cables - but not esoteric ones. I once listened to a
$2k loudspeaker cable, and to me it sounded worse, and that's if there
was a different. Also, clean power is worth investing into, but at a
judicious level, too. 

But then again, a huge part of listening is psychoacoustics, and some
people feel better by doing certain things, and it makes their
listening experience more rewarding - who am I to take issue with it,
at the end of the day. I will roll my eyes and tell my friend who
bought B&W Nautilus speakers with his dotcom money "dude, you're nuts",
but then again, whatever rocks his boat.

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