> Why then limit yourself to inferior compressed lossy material >

Great gear is about musicality even -or especially- when the source
isn't perfect. Audiophile 101, really. 

> I much rather live with those small recording imperfections 
> an knowing some algorhythm software butchered the original.

Since I have listened to the original and the MP3, I know for a fact
the original has *not* been butchered. The music still sounds
fantastic. At least on my gear, YMMV, etc.

>  Much rather have HISS on my music than something 
> tificially "enhanced".

How odd that based on the exact same premise -I seldom used Dolby
compesation on my CCs- I arrive at exactly the opposite conclusion.
Especially since I have never claimed MP3 encoding at any rate provides
an enhancement.

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