First off, as a clarification, FLAC compression is somewhat more complex
than simple RLE (the "6 zeros" approach mentioned earlier), but the
basic concept is the same. Find a way of describing the signal which
takes less space than simply writing it out in full. A more accurate
model would be something like "it's a sine wave of amplitude x and
frequency y with a couple of other bits stuck on". Not scientific but
you get the idea! The format is specified here:

Second, on the discussion of accuracy. The theory of FLAC is correct -
it is lossless when implemented properly, it just has to be - it's
mathmatically provable. So the only risk of loss is if there's a bug in
the implementation of the encoder or decoder. This is perfectly
possible, however I personally consider it unlikely. Why?

* The FLAC reference encoder and decoder are open source and thus
freely examinable by anyone who cares to look. 
* Audio fans are a picky bunch. If there was an audible problem someone
would notice.
* Proving or disproving a problem is trivial - just compare the
original wav and output from flac. I have done so, it takes less than a
minute. If anyone ever said they could hear a difference I'd immediatly
compare the files. You may even want to add it as an automated step in
your ripping process if you're really concerned.

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