PhilNYC Wrote: 
> I have a pretty high-end system and a pretty well-treated acoustic
> listening environment....To my ears, there is no question that the
> reference gear outperforms the SB2.  I agree with John Atkinson that
> for casual listening, my SB2 as a transport sounds more than good
> enough...but for dedicated listening, I find my reference gear to be
> preferrable by a significant margin.  Is it 95%?  I think that is up to
> the individual listener...

Hmmm. I had what was considered a very good transport (Pioneer Elite
PDS-95), using a good digital cable (Acoustic Zen MC2) into a Class A
DAC (MF Tri-Vista). The SB3 stock was not 95%, rather more like 60%,
rising to 85% when feeding the Tri-Vista. The Bolder digital only
modified SB3 into the Tri-Vista was more like 110%, probably higher
with Bolder's latest platinum PS. 

My own experience was happily selling the transport and getting the
benefit of the ease of use of the SB3 without sacrificing any of the
high end sound. My buddy has an even better system (VAC PA90D into VAC
reference preamp powering Joseph Audio Pearls) and I will be bringing
the system to his house for extended listening session.

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