AFAIK, when EAC rips a CD it only extracts the raw PCM data. The subcode
information which determines things such as Index points (if the CD has
them), emphasis, and track sequencing is omitted. 

A "CD copy" using NERO, OTOH, would preserve all the above, of course
burned into a CD-R. A completely different process.

So, when using an external DAC with the SB3 the subcode information
will not be present. My small collection of early "emphasized" discs
ripped the conventional way would play excessively bright. The solution
is to "de-emphasize" them prior to encoding to FLAC...


Squeezebox 3 with Power One Linear Power Supply
Lite Audio DAC60 tube DAC
Pioneer SX-1980
Vandersteen 2Ce Signature
Vandersteen 2W
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