cbemoore Wrote: 
> Read what Sean (Slim Devices CEO) has to say about I2S:
> http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?p=113777&highlight=i2s#post113777

In the I2S standard there are two options (they might be called level 1
and 2 - I forget).  The easier option is to have the clock in the
source, and that (plus some other stuff obviously) suffices to satisfy
the standard, so you can say you have an I2S implementation.  However,
as Sean is saying, it's better to put the clock in the receiver, which
is the higher level of I2S. 

In any case it's clearly a good idea to separate the clock from the
data, as it avoids many potential problems.  Whether any particular
implementation will actually work well is another matter.

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