Is it just me or does this smack of desperation? (surely this horse left
town years ago...)

Why do Naim need to do this? Maybe the bottom is falling out of the
high-end CDP market... (chortle)

It'll cost squillions. Sure, it looks great, but...why why why?

Some people must have more money than sense. There's nothing wrong with
Naim gear (apart from the silly prices) but just how many of these do
they think they are going to sell? 

I think we are getting dangerously close to the "wake up and smell the
coffee" moment...Naim should stick to what they are good at
(amplification and CDP's). When it comes to server/HD stuff, I fear
they've missed the boat. IMHO.

Just for balance, I also think that Linn blew this market(although
their multi-room knekt solution is a very mature product set and one of
the best on the market) - the Kivor is a JOKE!

(rant over, returning to my hole)

Phil Leigh
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