opaqueice;131968 Wrote: 
> For the issue we were discussing, it's true that it's hard (actually,
> impossible) to prove that "there is no audible effect from the 63.0 dB
> mute tweak."  That fact does NOT constitute evidence that there is such
> an effect - claiming so is committing another common logical fallacy

I haven't seen a single person claiming that there is proof of any
audible effect, for this reason or for any other reason.

opaqueice;131968 Wrote: 
> So far we have several people who have not heard anything.  That's
> strong evidence there is no audible effect.

No, its not. A majority of people can not hear the difference between
lossy compressed audio and 16/44. Is that strong evidence that there is
no difference?

opaqueice;131968 Wrote: 
> On the other hand those who heard an effect they were expecting to hear
> (in a non-blind test) really doesn't mean much, as we've seen over and
> over again.

I didn't expect to hear anything. I was very sceptical, and I'm still
sceptical. I switch setting regularly to see if I'm just imagining
things. (Knowing full well that doing so may boost my belief, but still
has no value as real proof.)

opaqueice;131968 Wrote: 
> In any case, can someone that hears this please just try it blind? 
> Without that, we have strong evidence against it and no credible
> evidence for it (I'm not doubting the honesty of those that hear it -
> I'm sure they hear something - I'm just doubting that it has an
> electronic/acoustic cause).

I'm sure one or several people will do this, unless some confirming
measurements get there first, but please don't always more or less
demand this as soon as anyone suggest any kind of improvement or tweak.
Most people who are audiophiles are not in the hobby in order to please
non-audiophiles and sceptics.

I guess you will have to learn to live with uncertainty.

P Floding
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