By the way, JA used a $6,000 Ayre universal player -- I've heard the
thing and it lieves up to its reputation -- as a transport.  I think
this qualifies as "high end."  For the Nth time, he found the
difference between using it and using the SB3 as a transport to be just
about inconsequential.  That's saying a lot, because you could buy 20
SB3s for the price of the Ayre or one SB3, one Lavry, and one set of
very respectable speakers for that budget (Harbeth, Dali, Audio Physic,
Gradient, Quad, etc...on the used market, especially, four grand can
land you a terrific set of speakers.).  For that matter, you could buy
a Transporter and a very nice set of speakers for that budget.  Not
"world dominating," but very nice nice as most people would
be happy to have.


SB3->Lavry DA10->Nuforce 9.02s->Harbeth Monitor 30s/Skylan stands. 
Simple and satisfying.  In a larger room, I would move back to larger
speakers, subs, and probably RCS.
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