Skunk;146920 Wrote: 
> .... and because I thought there was a sonic advantage to streamed
> music. Come to think of it, this* is where I drank it....
> *
Unfortunately, the article by Steve Nugent that you cite is utter
hogwash. His thesis regarding the superiority of computer based
playback over CD is founded on the completely erroneous axiom that the
master clock in a CD player is in the transport. It isn't.

Incidentally, just in case anyone here thinks I'm advocating that CD is
just as good as hard disk playback, that's not the case. I think that
the Squeezebox approach is superior in a some respects (I did sell my
CD player, after all). But I can't watch so much misinformation get
spread around without comment. If it does go unchallenged, then after a
while it becomes "internet truth" - just like that shoddy article by
Nugent, which I've seen cited on a number of occasions in various


Performers -> dozens of mixers and effects -> clipped/hypercompressed
mastering -> you think a few extra ps of jitter matters?
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