opaqueice;151490 Wrote: 
> Suppose we put a bunch of audiophiles in a room and played two systems
> for them after explaining that one was much better than the other -
> because it had fancy cables, power conditioners, a nice amp, or
> whatever.  We might make the systems look different externally, but
> secretly the two would be absolutely identical.  To properly control
> this we would do the experiment with several different groups while
> randomizing across all variables (for example switch which system we
> explained was superior).  We might also try the same experiment but
> with no initial claim about which was better.  Afterwards, we ask the
> listeners which they preferred, and to explain why.
> What do you think would happen?  
> Not only would almost everyone claim to hear a difference, they would
> come up with elaborate descriptions of precisely how it was better -
> clarity, PRaT, detail, bass extension, etc.  If you don't believe me,
> believe the scientific literature or all of the many, many examples of
> this in the audiophile world (on this forum and other websites for
> example).  Versions of this experiment have been done, many times, and
> the results are always the same.
> The point?  In this case it would be absolutely clear that the
> perceived differences were in the mind of the listener and not in any
> intrinsic characteristic of the sound.  Given that people hear
> differences anyway, this demonstrates that we simply can't trust our
> perceptions of these things, period.

Sure, if there are no differences but you are looking for them and
believeing there are such, you are likely too fool yourself.

I'm not talking about these type of situations that are bound to cloud
most peoples judgement.

P Floding
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