pingpong;152150 Wrote: 
> Hi,
> Looking for used DAC To partner with the SB3 to improve the sound. Over
> at my place, I could get the NorthStar 192 or Meridian 563 or Musical
> Fidelity A324 at about the same price.
> May I know which is most compatible with the SB3. Looking for warm,
> lush and laid back kind of sound. Bright and forward is a big no no.
> TIA.
> Rgds

I was very pleased to sell my Meridian 566 DAC a few years ago - my
Shanling (CD player) sounds vastly better than the Meridian did; the
Meridian was detailed but lacked warmth and air, to my ears.

Given the kind of sound you seem to like, it might be worth looking at
the non-os DACs currently available - Derek Shek, Monica2 and mhdt, for
example.  They are just £75-£200 ($150-350), so a bit of a no-risk buy
in the scheme of things.  I'm thinking of getting one just to play :)



SB3 and Shanling CDT-100, Rotel RT-990BX, Esoteric Audio Research 859,
Living Voice Auditorium IIs, Nordost cables
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