geraint smith;155253 Wrote: 
> Funny you should mention this. I had an occurrence a couple of days ago
> while attempting to play a programme recorded from BBC R3 via DTTV
> using EyeTV on a Mac, and converted to Apple Lossless (at least, I
> think it was the Apple Lossless version. I had converted one to AIFF as
> well as an experiment). It was playing from my iTunes library. I haven't
> tried to repeat it yet (and don't particularly want to!) to investigate
> further, but it was a nasty surprise. This is using SS 6.5 on an SB2,
> by the way. It's just struck me as I write that I'm not sure whether I
> told iTunes to switch it from 48kHz to 44.1kHz during the conversion
> (and haven't had time to check whether this matters).

The WNOD appears to have changed - this isn't what was reported before.
Earlier it was caused by some spontaneous failure Slim Devices was
never able to reproduce.  People would just come home and their
Squeezebox would be putting out white noise at 100% power and doing so
possibly for hours.

Now it seems connected to file conversion issues.

I'm not saying if it's better or worse as both occurrances would suck,
but I'm just noting that it's changed.

Mark Lanctot
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