You do NOT want to be doing this at a volume level where you might be
clipping!  Turn it down with your preamp (or squeeze box, it doesn't
matter).  It really doesn't have to be all that loud -- somewhere in
the 75-80db range is more than adequate, according to most sources. 
I've taken measurements at that level and at much lower levels, just to
compare -- no difference.  Don't blow a speaker!

Most graphs look horrible.  Can you smooth it to 1/6 octave or even
1/3?  1/3 is enough to give you a good idea of what' going on.  The
good news is that your speaker/room interactions are similar for both

Remember, play with speaker placement.  Use Allison rules (search the
forum; I've gone over this twice).   If you're like most people, your
speakers are way too close to the wall, and that means havoc for low
frequencies.  Don't rely on EQ, okay?  Do the best you can by
optimizing speaker placement. Only then should you get into EQ.  You
don't want to use EQ to make huge alterations -- the result won't sound
very good.

ob_kook;157448 Wrote: 
> Well, I have finally acquired the appropriate measuring equipment and am
> doing my sweeps today. The question I have is regarding differences in R
> and L channel sweeps. 
> Is it better to leave all settings alone (pre-amp output level, SB
> output level) and only adjust the interface levels?
> My right channel will clip at a certain frequency much more easily than
> the left, but if I adjust pre and SB levels low enough to prevent that,
> then the L channel level seems a bit low.
> On the plus side, the 2 sweeps have almost identical signatures
> throughout the spectrum it seems, and although I can't really interpret
> the meaning, the graph representing the low frequency seems to indicate
> that my room is horrible...
> Any advice appreciated!
> Kook


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