You are probably correct about what that graph represents as well as my
misuse of the term clipping. I was looking at the Inguz website where
it says:

Start recording, and play "Stereo Sweep". Watch the peak level in
Audacity as the recording progresses; if the loudest levels are hitting
the top and bottom of the range (clipping), then stop recording and
start again with slightly lower preamp gain. If there are any loud
environmental noises while recording (for example, loud passing
traffic), it'll be best to stop and restart too. Repeat as necessary
until you have a clean recording.

The graph does not have anything to do with creating the filters
though, and I do have pretty clean recordings of the sweeps. I'll give
it a go with those and see what I come up with. Unless I am way off
base here, which is entirely likely, in which case I'll go crack a beer
and listen to some Hendrix.


SB2 --> Axiom passive pre --> Portal Paladin monoblocks --> Dynaudio
Contour 1.3 MKII
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