atkinsonrr;157526 Wrote: 
> A while ago, P.Floding started a thread called something like "Moderator
> where are you?".  In it, he makes the following point:
> "The biggest problem is the SNR (signal-noise ratio). It is really easy
> to do wisecracking and post the 50th variation on the same old joke and
> get a number of your buddies to chime in with their own variations.
> Soon you have 10 postings like that for every one serious posting. How
> is anyone going to take the time to read through all this to extract
> any useful information?
> On top of that, when all the wisecracking has a theme that says that
> audiophiles are idiots (more or less), how friendly will that feel for
> anyone coming here with their questions?"
> Unfortunately, the thread in which P posted the above went down the
> drain in exactly the same way that P was pointing out.  As a result, I
> feel the need to start this thread just to say I agree with P on the
> problem and on the effect.  
> I cannot say what the answer is, and I am not proposing censoring
> points of view.  
> I can say posting in this forum feels like trying to have a  friendly
> game in a playground where a handful of self-congratulating bullies
> have taken over the "turf".  I choose not to offer my questions,
> thoughts or insights much in this forum.  Not because I'm insecure in
> my ability to take care of myself on the playground and not because I
> am insecure in my beliefs and feelings.  I choose not to participate
> because I simply dont feel it offers me enough benefit for the cost in
> time or emotional energy I would expend.  
> I think the only people who would keep coming back to such a playground
> are those that feel they must prove something to the bullies.  Indeed,
> for this reason, it seems that without intervention, this forum is
> fated to a downward spiral into a lot of heat and very little light.

Hmm... from my recent experience, P Floding himself is a
self-congratulating bully who thinks he can arbitrate what audiophilia
is, and the mockery occurred as a way for people to deal wih someone
who is essentially a troll. I tried to engage in a reasoned discussion
with him, and it didn't work. I could have walked away, but then I
would have let his bullying succeed, so I didn't.

Just goes to show how different people's perceptions can be, and how
hard a job moderating this kind of forum can be.


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