atkinsonrr wrote:
> I cannot say what the answer is, and I am not proposing censoring
> points of view.  

It is really simple. Folks interested in the topic have to make it
a good place to discuss the topic.

This is true of all open forums, mailing lists, usenet groups, etc.

> it seems that without intervention, this forum is
> fated to a downward spiral into a lot of heat and very little light.

Yes, but to quote Pogo: we have met the enemy and he is us.
There is no one to intervene. We have to clean up our act, or
it will die. I've seen it happen many times over the 16 years or
so that I've been playing with usenet, Compuserv, etc.

The simple fact is that no moderator can exist. It is too much work,
and too subjective for any sane person to volunteer. No one at
SlimDevices is going to spend the time, they all have jobs to do.

So as Marion Barry said about another topic, get used to it.
Clean up or die.

Of course, one could argue that expecting some 'moderator' to straighten
things out is impractical and itself a waste of bandwidth. These days of
widespread broadband, cable, DSL and FIOS, the concept of wasting
bandwidth may be obsolete, but those old timers think it was and is
a valuable concept. Tragedy of the commons and all that.

Audiophile are probably more susceptible as a group than many others,
because by definition, audiophiles care about things most people do not
consider important. Most care passionately, often with a religious
fervor. Which obviously opens a door for wise cracks, jokes, and insults.

Some of it may even be justified. We believe that Bose sound systems
sound terrible. We believe that all amplifiers do not sound alike. We
believe that as good as a SqueezeBox sounds, it could sound better.
And we may believe that even the Transporter is not the end of the line,
so we can think of mods and hacks and a Transporter 2.

 -- altho I personally believe that speaker positioning and room
treatment are much more important than most of the tweaks that
audiophiles obsess over.

So clean up your act. This means you. Everyone. Period.


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