opaqueice;157536 Wrote: 
> I go away for a few days and come back to see...  people starting whiny
> threads on an audiophile forum to complain about off-topic threads?? 
> And then another thread to complain that the first off-topic thread
> went off-topic???  Has everyone gone crazy?  Too much turkey?  
> If you don't like the forum, go away.  No one is making you read it,
> and I really doubt anyone from SD is going to step in and moderate it. 
> Stop acting like children (and that goes for almost everyone that posted
> on that other, rather unbelievable thread).
> Let's just get back to talking about audio.

I wholeheartedly agree with your last sentence.  And I agree that
enough people acting like children, being emotionally immature, WILL
bring this forum down. 

As for going away if I dont like the forum.  Perhaps I will.  

But before simply "going away" I feel it is my  responsibility to the
community (see top of page left, after "Slim Devices") to try to ensure
an important issue did not get drowned in the noise.  I took a bit of a
risk, to be reaponsible to the community.  But I believe that is what
community is all about -- if that word is to really have any meaning. 
If you find that whiny or childish, all I can do is encourage a moment
of reflection on your part.


Transporter, Quicksilver V4 Monos, Vandersteen Model 5A speakers.  SB3,
Quad Tube Pre-Amp, Tube Monos, Quad ESLs.  Homemade Tripath Digital
amps, Carver ALS (original) Speakers with Outboard Crossovers.
atkinsonrr's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=7214
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=30039

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