moth wrote:

> Thanks Mitch, Pat and Impeller,

You're welcome

> On the 1's and 0's, are there jitter issues to consider between going
> wired or wireless?

Some folks claim that there is never any jitter issues. But to stay on
topic, there is no reason to expect that whether the bits are delivered
over wire or the air to have any impact on jitter. The bits fly with
TCP/IP, error correction, and buffering, even on an ancient SB1. The
modern SqueezeBoxes have larger buffers and can decode compressed
streams, so they net four times the buffer capacity over a SB1.

Dropouts, if you have them, are very noticeable.
The tunes play and stop and then pick up.

Not to worry, just play a few hundred hours of CDs and let us
know how its working.


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