There's nothing wrong with your choice of amp; my main point is that
your 601s wouldn't be getting the best out of it.

My old Snell Type Es were perfect for that kind of valve amp, and they
went for just over £100 on ebay (good job I got my Living Voices for a
song too!) - all old Snells are great with valves.  And it seems they
don't command much on ebay!

But speakers are deeply personal.  I think you can't go too far wrong
with anything from Dynaudio and Harbeth, but speakers all have a
character - much more so than most other components - so my steak might
be your offal.  Or my venison your lamb.  I like this image :)

I have a chinese amp (a Ming-Da) driving a pair of Harbeth HLP3-ES
speakers in my kitchen system which sound great too.  It doesn't go
that loud (the Harbeths are quite low sensitivity), but it's plenty for
my small kitchen.



SB3 into Derek Shek d2, Shanling CDT-100, Rotel RT-990BX, Esoteric Audio
Research 859, Living Voice Auditorium IIs, Nordost cables
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