Impeller;162592 Wrote: 
> Yes, I was under the impression biamping makes more of a difference
> which seemed logical. And a friend seems sure he's heard a difference
> in biwiring his (cheaper) equipment.

The reason for bi-wiring is (was?) that you could use different cables
for treble and bass. For 10-20 years ago, the cables weren't as well
designed as today, so you could get some cables that excelled on female
voices etc and others that gave you that "punch-in-the-stomach" bass you
wanted - with bi-wiring you got both.

This isn't so much an issue these days, I quit using bi-wiring three
years ago. 

This may sound that you have been tricked into buying a cable you don't
need. Do not feel that way, because you have a larger wire gauge than a
single set, and that is normally good.



SB3, Rotel RC-1070/RB-1070, dynaBel Exact, Kimber Kable 4TC and Timbre.
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