Phil Leigh wrote:
> 100x it is and the higher the better really. Electric guitar pickups
> are a classic voltage transfer problem - a 1M impedance is ideal!
> (1000x?)

Er, its more complex than that.
High driven impedance is easier to drive, and better at some noise
criteria, up to a point. Lower impedance inputs are easier to drive with
longer cables.

Electric guitars are very complex beasts. Well, the guitar is not
complex, but the sound that you get is not a function of just the guitar
or the guitar and player. The sound that you expect is a marriage of the
guitar and the amp. Nearly all serious electric guitarists swear that
tube amps are required, solid state just doesn't sound the same.
Even the crappy speaker cones are important, it is the imperfect
coupling of the speaker to the air, driven by a distorting tube,
maybe with a overdriven transformer, that makes it sound right.

Yet to get the best tone, you have to have a quality and short cable
between the guitar and amp. 10 feet is best, 15 feet is pushing it.
If you go longer, the sound changes, which is why pros use "DI" boxes
for long runs. Guitar cables are weird, unbalanced and not well shielded.

Most consumer hi-fi gear and most audiophile gear is fairly insensitive
to preamp output impedance and amp input impedance. Most amps have
between 47 kOhm and 100kOhm loads, with can be driven with next to zero
current, so the preamps can be weak. Putting a strong amp in a preamp
kinda defeats the purpose.

Most audiophiles use short interconnect cables, so the loads are not
too critical. (Some would argue that the short interconnects make $1000
interconnect cables silly). There is a trend towards putting the
monoblock amps next to the speakers, and running short speaker cables,
which requires long interconnects.

IMHO, once you are talking ten feet of interconnect, you should be
thinking balanced connections, XLR, etc.

Preamps made a lot more sense when everyone used turntables.
When your inputs are a SqueezeBox, or Transporter, or tuner or DVD
player, many of the things that were justified are no longer very important.

Of course, the fringe audiophiles have pre-preamps to handle the
insanely low output of their $10,000 cartridges.


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