You are quite right.  Tribalism, really, be it in nature religious,
ethnic, or even interest group-oriented is humanity's greatest ill. 
People do shoot other people in the name of religion, economics,
ethnicity, crime, you name it.

However, on a day to day basis, most people are reasonably cordial and
arguments of the kind seen here and elsewhere on the net do not take
place in, say, places of work.  I think it is commonly accepted that,
for reasons including anonymity, the at-times difficulty of
interpreting humor or sarcasm in the coversational nature of email and
posting, and the lure of venting one's aggresion in a "safe" place, the
Internet often brings out very bad qualities in people.

snarlydwarf;165010 Wrote: 
> Well it is pretty common on Internet forums to have that, especially
> where religious discussions take place (and, yes, much of Audiophilia
> is religious in nature, with no real way to prove that a $400 cable
> makes a system better for someone else or not -- each listener must
> determine for themselves what is best for them).
> It does lead to a certain amount of religious fervor: people with
> 'lesser' ears are just not seeing the one true way of whatever product
> someone else finds appealing, ignoring that they have different brains
> and different ears: even if they -did- hear a difference, who is to say
> it is for the better?  Who is to say it was worth the price difference,
> when we have different values?
> Forgetting that our values, tastes, and hearing are all different is
> what breaks the discussion.  Certainly there are plenty of "your system
> or your brain are just inferior" sorts of comments about, but compared
> to the rest of the 'net?  A lot less than most places.  And, alas,
> compared to "real life"?  I don't see people shooting each other or
> blowing themselves up to prove that their God is better than someone
> else's.
> Most of the time, people here understand that there is no universal
> answer on what is the "best" component, and with no way to prove that
> something is universally better there is no way to be "more right" than
> someone else, and conversely, no way to be less right.


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