lafayette;164923 Wrote: 
> I hope everyone had a happly holiday weekend.
> Seriously, though, there is an incredible amount of bickering,
> fighting, and even slander on this forum.

Haha! Of course 'Audiophile' forums are full of flame wars etc!

Firstly, this hobby attracts a certain type of person shall we say.
Often those slightly lacking in social skills. And yes - I'm quite
content to admit I'm in this category...

Secondly 'audiophiles' sometimes tend to reject the notion that sound
is subjective. Everybody has different peaks and troughs in their audio
spectrum, and therefore, unless I can hear through your ears, and
possibly also with your brain and life experience, I am not hearing the
same thing as you *at all*! Regardless of this almost all audiophiles
think their system (or usually their *next* system) is 'the best'.

Thirdly 'audiophiles' often spend tens of thousands of pounds (or
more!) on their gear. Once or twice I have seen people using systems
that cost ten or twenty times more than the entire studio monitoring
chain for their favorite album...
This outlay makes it a bit disturbing if somebody tells you they can't
tell the difference between their Dixons midi system and your
half-a-million pound hi-fi  ;-)

A self-confessed 'audiophile' I once knew nearly punched me when I
pointed out that since he was almost completely tone-deaf (he
consistently couldn't tell the difference between two similar music
phrases when I played them to him on the guitar), he would be better
off spending money on musical training than the hugely expensive valve
mono-blocks he was about to take delivery of  ;)

Audiophilla may in-fact lead to WWIII if we're not careful  ;)

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