opaqueice;172006 Wrote: 
> The distortion is nearly 70dB down at a few watts (the red curve is
> irrelevant as it's dominated by harmonics above 20 kHz which are
> inaudible anyway).  I doubt anyone could pick that out in a blind test,
> especially when you look at figure 5 in the audiocritic review - about
> 90% of the harmonic distortion is due to the second harmonic.
> Remember, people (at least in some cases) fail to distinguish between
> tube amps and SS in blind tests, and tube amps typically have somewhere
> around *ten thousand to a hundred thousand* times more distortion than
> this one.

Your figures about tube amps are just plain wrong. How did you arrive
at them?
Also, it is the nature of the distortion that decides if it is pleasant
or awful, not just the level.

"A couple of watts" are in fact quite a lot. If listening at low levels
you might only use 1/10 of a watt or less. In such situations any
crossover distortion will suddenly be very dominant. THD should be
measured at very low levels to unveil this kind of problem, but
crossover distortion is so 70's that people just don't even look for it
much any more (but distortion getting lower with increasing power should
have triggered alarm bells).

P Floding
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