Just finished reading a review of the Transporter in Stereophile
magazine and the article reinforced something I (and I'm sure many
others) have been thinking about for sometime.  Slim Devices needs a
player that fits somewhere between the SqueezeBox and Transporter.

The SqueezeBox is $299 and the Transporter is $1999.  I just can't
justify in my budget a Transporter but I could probably sneak in
something around $1000-1200, while still offering Transporter-like
sound quality.  So many people are adding high-quality external DACs to
their SqueezeBox that this price range seems like a good market
sweet-spot for Slim Devices.

One way for Slim Devices to achieve this would be to cut back on some
of the Transporter's niceties and focus on high-quality components that
impact sound quality, such as of course the DAC.

Personally, I would prefer a player that had a LCD-based wireless
rechargable controller that could be placed into an angled recharging
slot on the top of the main player unit.  Nothing else would be needed
on the player except perhaps a power indicator, everything else would
be displayed on the LCD controller.  The controller would still need to
operate the player while in the recharging slot.  This would eliminate
the cost of the Transporter's 2 displays, buttons, knob and larger
chassis.  Perhaps some of the Transporter's input/output flexibility
could be pared back a tad as well.

- Simple but still  high-end looking main player unit with power
indicator and angled recharging slot on top.
- High-end internal DAC and components offering Transporter-like
- Rechargable LCD wireless controller.
- Priced $1000 - $1200

I don't want much, eh!?  ;-)


SB3 -> PS Audio Trio C-100 -> Revel Concerta F12's
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