Jez wrote:
Limping_Pylon;173028 Wrote:
I guess I also assumed that SD would have seen the copy
and had a opportunity to put HUGE ads in the magazine at the publication

I can't imagine any magazine doing that. It would be unethical

More importantly, it would be suicidal business judgment.

 Whilst the magazine business is exactly that, most titles (in
my experience) have editorial guidelines they value as it's what wins
them readers and therefore advertising revenues.

In general, all of the ones I've seen do have such guidelines.
Selling good review copy is just bad business.

However, for companies that do buy advertizing (since SD does not) there are often more subtle interactions. Companies that get good reviews often tend to buy more ads in a particular magazine. And many magazines don't write reviews that really say a product sucks. Most damn by faint praise.

It is interesting that two of the biggest buff books (in paid circulation) write multi-product reviews, which are far more revealing than a single product review. Any time you do a comparison of "five mid-sized sports sedans" you are going to have someone coming in fifth place.

You can generally tell the maturity of a market by the reviews. Magazines such as Sound-on-Sound or Electronic Musician rarely if ever say anything bad about a product, and never run comparisons between competing products.

If a magazine review says anything like "not as good as the competitors" then that is really saying something terrible. Saying "you should consider X" is fairly weak if not damning.

Something like "sounds great and measures wonderfully" is actually pretty serious praise.


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