Pat Farrell;173950 Wrote: 
> The price of any product is the sum of BOM cost, engineering cost to
> design, marketing cost, returns, support, marketing, etc. Most
> audiophile manufacturers have tiny volume, typically only a million
> dollars a year or so of revenue, which is not a lot of units when they
> are $5000 (retail) amps or CD transports.
Made me wonder how much it cost them to design the TP. Can't really be
that much, also because they are a small company. A few people working
on it diligently for a year? So maybe half a million $$$? No idea about
marketing cost and such though. So I'm wildly guessing that they need to
sell 300 units to get their initial investment back? Wouldn't be too

Marc Lanctot Wrote: 
> Or will they move on to a lower-grade AKM than that used in the
> Transporter?
How much lower grade is the AKM4395 that's used in the Stello DA100?
That unit sells for $700... ( ).
SB3 + Stello = $1K...


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