Well, I started this thread partly to get us off that moronic other
thread about gagging anyone that mentions BT.  And testing methods
really are off topic for this discussion - I didn't ask how we would
know when we had achieved our goal, but rather what is the goal?

I think it's far from clear, actually.  Is it possible to produce a
sound from a set of speakers which sound to the human ear exactly like
a piano?  Would you need one speaker for each piano wire, inside a
piano case, or could you do it with the conventional two?  Does it work
only at the listening position?  Can you reproduce the sound of a piano
in other rooms, like a concert hall, in your room?

A lot of this depends on how the ear and brain do their direction
sensing - is it bassed on phase (unlikely), that the ear isn't a point
absorber and is sensitive to the direction of the sound(?), or simply
relative loudness and frequency content in each ear?  If it's the last
I think at least in principle it's possible to simulate any sound in
any space, at least at the listening position in an anechoic (or
perfectly RC'ed) room.  But otherwise it may be impossible even in
principle to do perfectly.

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