Wow - I go away for a few days and this thread explodes.  

Let me start by welcoming Hirsch to the discussion.  I find his
comments to be well reasoned and he articulates the objections to DBT
much better than I ever could.  

I also agree with the comments from P. Floding
P Floding;180356 Wrote: 
> Well, here are two things that ticks audiophiles off:
> 1. The notion that they need saving.
> 2. The notion that they are idiots.
> And the ABX-crowd usually push both buttons repeatedly.

That is EXACTLY the problem.  I often feel that I'm being told what I'm
allowed to hear.  And ideas are thrown out as obviously correct that
don't agree at all with my own perceptions.  For example, in another
thread Opaqueice states as a fact that it has been "proven" that one
can't distinguish between megabucks CD transports and cheap ones.  This
is completely at odds with my experience and is not backed with any
proof other than proof by assertion. 

Finally, ezkcdue points to DIY as the saving grace that will allow us
to avoid the charlatans of audio.

ezkcdude;180391 Wrote: 
> If more audiophiles actually learned how to DIY, and I don't just mean
> rolling tubes and op amps, and swapping in boutique caps, but actually
> learned how to build and design amps/DACs/speakers from the ground up,
> well, there would be a lot less audiophiles. The problem with
> audiophiles is, contrary to the comment made earlier, that they really
> *are idiots* when it comes to electronics.

Well I consider myself pretty well versed in DIY yet it doesn't save me
from being told that I'm delusional when I hear differences in things
like transports.  I'm afraid to mention that I even hear differences in
digital cables.  
It reminds me of the struggles of Galileo and the Catholic church
regarding whether the sun revolves around the earth or vice versa. 
Anyone offering anything other than the officially sanctioned views of
the Church of the Objectivists must recant.
Yet it still moves . . .


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