Robin Bowes;198263 Wrote: 
> I was simply suggesting that you should consider the whole signal chain
> in your efforts to improve the sound, ie. it's not just about reducing
> jitter in the SB3 - you should also consider the performance of the
> connection from SB3->DAC and the DAC itself.

OP has the Meridian digital active speakers - the DAC is in the
speaker.  Interesting to see how they sort out the digital timings in
those, with totally discrete DACs.  No doubt those smart guys at
Meridian have done something sensible!

I have always been deeply impressed by their kit, but never actually
really liked it.  I had a 500/566 CD before my Shanling, and it was
amazingly uninvolving - no PRaT at all, despite seeming perfect.

Anyway, back on topic...  I know Meridian are big fans of the
Squeezebox.  With digital actives there's nothing you can do about the
DAC, so I would have thought that the most important factor is working
out how to connect the SB3 to the speakers with a true 75 ohm - the
cables will be long.  Maybe get decent BNC connectors or even try
optical (if available?).  Would one of their digital pre-amps help the



SB3 into Derek Shek d2, Shanling CDT-100, Rotel RT-990BX, Esoteric Audio
Research 859, Living Voice Auditorium IIs, Nordost and Anti-cables
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