(spinning a new thread from

amey01;211286 Wrote: 
> Before we start adding even more features to the Squeezebox, let's just
> get what we've got working - and working properly.
> FF and REWIND that works as well (not better - just "as well") as a
> circa 1982 CD player would be a start!

This is about the same as complaining that you can't "scratch" on a CD
player the same way you could on last century's phonograph... except
that in this case it is a bit less obvious why you can't. It's clear
from the tone of your comment that you don't care why, you just want it
to work. That's fine, you can stop reading here, but in case anyone else
wants to know, I will explain.

Before getting into the specifics of why this doesn't work on
Squeezebox, it's helpful to understand some details of how FF/RW
scanning works on a CD player, since that is the behavior we want to
emulate. CDs and LPs have a few things in common, and for the purpose
of understanding how FF/RW work, the LP is a helpful conceptual model.
The data on a CD is laid out similarly, in a spiral, which for normal
playback is read continuously from start to finish. There is no
compression and essentially no structure to the data - it's just a
series of [bits which represent] amplitudes. So much like an LP, you
can move the "pickup" radially across the disc and instantly continue
playing at any new point. And this is really all a CD player is doing
when you scan. It plays at normal speed for a fraction of a second, and
then the pickup skips a few rings, and it continues playing again at a
new point for a fraction of a second, and so on until the ff/rw button
is released.  The rotation speed of the disc does not change, and
neither does the playback rate or the data rate. The head just skips
along. So there is really nothing to it; the capability is "free". It's
also helpful to contrast this to a tape deck, where although you can
scan by simply moving the tape faster, it can't be done without
sounding like chipmunks because the transport can't alternate quickly
between skipping ahead and playing at 1x. 

So what's different about Squeezebox that makes this hard? It's not so
much the "Slim" architecture. In fact, being "Slim" would work
significantly in our favor if one were to try and implement this (not
that I think that's a good idea, more on that later). Really the
challenges are just inherent in network streaming:

1) The data is typically compressed. That means you can't just pick up
at any point in the stream and instantly start playing. You have to get
to the next "frame". Every format has different size frames, and many
can even be variable in size. For some formats it is not possible to
know how far to look ahead in order to advance by some amount of time.
You either have to guesstimate and then resync, or you have to process
every frame in between. You may even have to scan through a significant
amount of data before you can resynchronize and continue decoding. So
the problem is that in order implement ff/rw the way a CD player does,
you have to break the stream up into short "blurps" and due to the way
the data is organized this can be practically impossible without
decoding the entire stream. Even if you had instant random access,
scanning ahead is complex.

2) You don't have instant random access. This is because data comes
over the network in small chunks at nondeterministic intervals, and
there is an appreciable delay between requesting a particular piece of
data and receiving it. In order to quickly move to a different point in
the stream, you would need to implement a very sophisticated buffering
scheme, which would probably have to be different for scanning forwards
vs backwards. In the case of scanning forward, you might take advantage
of the fact that there is already some data buffered for the purpose of
normal playback, and so you could scan through that first before needing
more data from the server. For scanning backward, you might try to save
some amount of data that had already been played, but this would
obviously compromise the amount of memory that is otherwise available
for nomal buffering. 

3) It's not possible for us to decode at more than 1x. This means that
any scanning algorithm would have to be very smart and deal with the
compressed data intelligently to figure out which blurps to decode.
Since every format is different, this means a different algorithm for
every one.

4) Bandwidth is limited. We can't just instantly double (or more) our
demand on the network and expect data to flow normally. Especially if
we require rapid bursty transfers as opposed to a continuous flow of
data. So that means that we can't have the client scanning through the 
compressed data stream. It has to be done on the server, and then a
"chopped up" stream sent to the player. 

5) Transcoded formats are a special case. Currently our transcoding
capability does not support seeking of any kind within a track, let
alone the rapid scanning capability that might be required. To make
transcoded formats seekable would require not only special algorithms
to be added to every decoder, but also a new architecture whereby the
server could communicate these seek commands to the decoder. 

6) code complexity. This is the real #1 reason why this _should not_ be
done. Scanning would not be impossible to implement. An extremely
dedicated programmer could probably get it working reasonably well, at
least for a few of the audio formats we support, in a few months. But
to do so would require adding all kinds of complexity and special cases
to dozens of different parts of the system - I mean everything from the
most mundane like the time elapsed display, to perhaps the most
intricate bits of the audio codecs. So the obvious questions of a) can
it be done b)how long would it take, c) is there something better this
developer could be working on, are not even the deal breakers. What is
a deal breaker is that even if one were to implement it, you'd be left
with a massively more fragile and difficult to maintain code base. So
it's ironic that it is usually the same people who complain about
slimserver's stability that also scream for some marginal feature to be

Featuritis and stability and simply incompatible goals, and to make the
assertion that ff/rw is an essential or trivial feature that must be
implemented, while at the same time calling for software that just
works, is not really constructive. Most of us have little or no need
for scanning, and just because a CD player does it does not
automatically mean it is a good idea to make Squeezebox do it.

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