omega;212077 Wrote: 
> HI igain Phil! :-)
> Thank for all your time and chatting with me!
> Ok now i understand i will try this 63 setting.
> Mabye not this evening, Me and my girfriend live in a flat, And is´s
> quite late here in sweden for more testing.
> I send i report later!
> One more Question,
> You are running with "Tact" why are you using the X-Dac then?
> Is not tac a "Digital" amp ? SB3 digital out ->TACT digital in ->
> Analog to Speakers.
> Are you using the room correction on you Tact?
> If is can you disable this during my "Pause" Off/On test?
> Please tell me a litte more of you setup.
> /Mats :-)
Mats = My TACT has no DAC/ADC - it is purely a digital unit (digital
in, digital out). I like the sound of the MF Dac.

If I turn off the TACT room Correction my systems sounds terrible -
really bad - compare to it being on.

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...

...SB3+TACT+Altmann+MF DACXV3/Linn tri-amped Aktiv 5.1 system and some
very expensive cables ;o)
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