darrenyeats;212597 Wrote: 
> For volume control you have three choices:
> 1. Using the volume control in the Transporter (could bad because you
> turn down the music volume but not the noise).
> 2. Using passive volume control (variable attenuator aka "passive
> preamp").
> 3. Using a normal active preamp either with a power amplifier or as
> part of an integrated amplifier.
> 2 or 3 are considered the way forward because when you turn the music
> volume down you are turning down the noise too (at  least, the noise
> from the source). As for whether 2 or 3 is better, "it depends".
> (Some might say even 1 "depends" and might be acceptable, since 2 and 3
> introduce their own problems - but it isn't recommended by Slim
> Devices.)
Please don't misrepresent what Slim Devices have to say about option 1.
What they DO say is that you should not use the built-in volume control
to correct a mismatch between Transporter output level and amplifier
input sensitivity. I have never seen any suggestion that, having
established a match (possibly using passive attenuation), you shouldn't
use the built-in volume control for day-to-day adjustment. Indeed, if
that wasn't recommended, it wouldn't be there as an option.

You are correct when you say that using the built-in volume control
reduces only the signal and not the noise. But since the Transporter's
noise is down around -130dB to start with, this is a theoretical issue,
and has no practical relevance.

In my experience, option 3 is the one which should be avoided. Active
preamps are the least transparent electronic devices in most HiFi
systems, and eliminating them usually yields large sound quality gains.
(I acknowledge that there are megabuck preamps around which do not
audibly degrade the signal, and that some people might actually like
the sonic signature of their chosen preamp. I'm talking here about
striving for transparency on a finite budget).


Transporter -> ATC SCM100A
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