Hello again,

I am not one to normal name names but in this case Opaqueice, it is
attitudes like yours that prompted me to write in the first 

Omega could have 100 or even 1000 or more people listen to his system
and have the same experience that he has had. Then I or anyone else on
this forum could find another 100 or 1000 or more people that do not
hear it when listening to Omegas system. 

You can not and do not have the right to tell these people that do not
hear it that they are wrong. They just do not have the ear that can
hear it. If we gave them all hearing tests we may find out why they do
not hear it but in that case no one can tell them they are wrong
because they just do not hear it. 

<quote>He's not saying "I hear this, isn't that nice, let's all be
happy." </quote>

Also Opaqueice, no where in my last post did i say that Omega should
just "be happy". I in fact think that he should be posting here to say
"I hear a problem". 

I believe that Omega does hear a difference. I have not noticed and
have connected my computer and SB3 to a friends system. This system
consists of mostly Mark Levinson equipment. Now you will  probably say
that Mark Levinson equipment is trash, but there are a lot of people
out there that would argue with you. I will not because you have your
opinion and i have mine. Neither of us is wrong as far as i am

What should be happening here is trying to figure out a way to solve
the problem and not all the bickering from people like you saying he is
wrong. No one is wrong here. Some people may hear it and others may not.
That does not mean they are wrong.

Omega, Have you tried a plain old fashion isolation transformer, not
any of the so called power conditioners to try and eliminate any mains

Also mentioned here is a mystery surrounding the phase of the mains and
why it seems to sound better if all of the equipment is connected in the
same phase. Yes here in the US we can not normally change the phase of
the mains for each piece of equipment as one side of the power is
always connected to ground.
In Europe ground is separate from both the voltage lines. 

Question to sean adams, has all the audio (hi-fi) equipment in your
testing lab been connected to 220-240 volts with a truly independent
ground (i.e. maybe no ground at all connected), is there a difference
of the kind that Omega is stating he hears. Can you reverse the plug on
the SB3 (changing the phase) and then is there a difference. How about
if the amplifier mains phase is reversed. ????

I do not remember reading if this has been tried. If it has great if it
has not can it be tried so that just one more possible cause can be

I ask the above question because when i worked for Cello Ltd. (search
the web if you have not heard of them) we had problems with some
transformers not preforming well on mains power that was not grounded
(neutral) on one side. This ended up being a problem with one small lot
of transformer and the way they were wound. 

Unfortunately Cello Ltd no longer exists but many of us that worked
there very much enjoyed the experience and the quality of the sound
reproduction that it produced.

I surely hope that through good and non combative discussion that this
problem can be solved. Even if it take 124 pages of posts to this

Lastly i apologize in advance if i have offended anyone.


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