schatzy;218746 Wrote: 
> Hello again,
> I am not one to normal name names but in this case Opaqueice, it is
> attitudes like yours that prompted me to write in the first 
> place.
> Omega could have 100 or even 1000 or more people listen to his system
> and have the same experience that he has had. Then I or anyone else on
> this forum could find another 100 or 1000 or more people that do not
> hear it when listening to Omegas system. 
> You can not and do not have the right to tell these people that do not
> hear it that they are wrong. They just do not have the ear that can
> hear it. If we gave them all hearing tests we may find out why they do
> not hear it but in that case no one can tell them they are wrong
> because they just do not hear it. 

For someone that claims to have read this thread you don't seem to have
followed it very well.  I didn't say anywhere that omega is wrong,
whatever that means.  I certainly never questioned whether or not he
was hearing something - on the contrary, I defended him against some
posts suggesting he was trolling.  I simply suggested a simple and
effective test which would help isolate where the effect is coming

The issue here, which seems to have escaped you entirely, was whether
(as omega claimed) there is a problem with the SB or with SS or whether
it's placebo.  It's not very difficult to answer that, and until it's
answered it's a waste of time speculating about what might be wrong
with the SB.  Most of this thread has been spent trying (and failing)
to get omega or one of his friends to do a proper test to determine

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