There is a review of the SB3 in the 'September issue'
( of the 'Affordable
Audio' ( e-zine.

The author wrote:
> I chose to have the Slimserver program send the data as WAV files,
> instead of converting it to the FLAC format. I know there is a spirited
> discussion on the sound quality of FLAC encoded music, but I fall into
> the camp that feels it compromises the music.

I haven't heard of such a discussion before. FLAC compression is
lossless, so it leaves me wondering where the compromise might arise.
All codec operations must occur before the signal arrives at the DAC
(or exits the SB3 via the digital outputs). Some possibilities:
-  Figment of the imagination
-  FLAC design flaw means that isn't really lossless
-  Incorrect implementation of FLAC codec
-  Electrical coupling between CPU (eg power rail noise) and DAC 
  input or digital output that is sensitive to behaviour of FLAC codec

Has anyone noticed a difference between WAV vs FLAC, using analog vs
digital Output?

The author goes further to investigate the advantages of using an stock
ELPAC PSU and a Bolder Cable ELPAC PSU. The author writes:
> The wall-wart power supply that comes with the Squeezebox is the
> Achilles heel of this product. ... Since the highest level of
> performance was achieved with the Audio Magic DAC in the system, I
> decided to leave it in place while I evaluated the power supplies.
The author goes on to describe the improved performance by using the
stock ELPAC, then the Bolder Cable ELPAC.

I can imagine how the power supply might have a noticeable effect on
the analog output, and that is what I've thought all the power supply
mods were out to address.

But in the configuration described by the author, the Squeezebox
digital output is being used. The author is essentially saying that the
stock power supply is insufficient to generate the *digital output*
faithfully, presumably by causing or allowing the introduction of noise
or jitter. (I couldn't tell whether the author was using the coax or
optical digital output.)


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